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Five Awesome House Plants That Even I Can't Kill

Live plants are a simple way to elevate the design in your home. They bring any room to life and have many benefits like cleansing the air and boosting your mood. In fact, statistics are showing that many people are mass purchasing houseplants during quarantine. They simply soothe us and bring some of the outside that we are craving in. I’m definitely guilty. And contrary to popular belief, I don’t have the greenest of thumbs. I just stick to what works well with me; hearty plants that are hard to kill. In honor of National Houseplant Appreciation Day, here’s a rundown of my favorite ride or die plant buddies.


  1. The Sansevieria, aka “Snake Plant” aka “Mother in Law’s Tongue”

    This beauty comes in may variations and is tolerable of the most blackest of all thumbs. It literally needs very little to survive. The best way to kill it is to pay too much attention to it. It can tolerate low light and requires very little water. I water it no more than once a month. This baby is a master at filtering the air. It’s a great first plant.

Monstera Deliciosa

2. The Monstera Deliciosa aka “Swiss Cheese Plant”

One time for the big girls.. I fell in love with this plant and named it Sacha after my daughter because her beauty takes over the room. This is a popular plant. It’s loved by many and has it’s own hashtag. It gives me definite tropical, jungle vibes, and it can get big! That’s exactly what I’m going for. It requires indirect light and water maybe once a week. The leaves start to droop just a little, letting me know to give it a drink. Not rocket science.

ZZ Plant

3. Zamioculcas or more popularly known “ZZ Plant”

Man the ZZ plant is the bomb! It tolerates neglect. It takes low light and very little water. I bought one and straight up ignored the hell out of and it multiplied! In fact, it’s still growing steadily during the winter months. I love a plant with hearty leaves. The ZZ plant’s smooth waxy leaves gives me mini tree vibes and like the snake plant, it’s a pro at cleaning the air. I loved it so much that I went back for another one. Meet Chloe and Halle.

Heart Shaped Philodendron

4. Heart Shaped Philodendron

I just love the sweet, heart-shaped leaves of this little plant. It basically likes a little misting every few days and water when the top soil is dry. I found it grew well under artificial light, and on a table, but once I hung it in my window, it’s vines are starting to get that hang time! Looking forward to vines of loveliness this spring.


5. Pothos aka “Devil’s Ivy”

The Pothos plant was in all of grandma’s plant collection. It’s difficult to kill. Just water it once a week. Seriously. It can take indirect light and will reward you with vines and vines of leaves. It gets so full and bushy and adds to your decor. Just beautiful.

Bonus: The Goldfish Plant

This one is a bonus because I never heard of it until recently. I decided to try it and I’m pleasantly surprised. It has hearty waxy leaves that will create vines. If it can get bright, indirect light it will continuously create the cutest orange flowers that resemble a Koi goldfish. That was the draw for me. Just mist it and water when the soil is dry.

Goldfish Plant

What are some of your favorite houseplants? Tell me in the comments below.

Plant Parenthood pin by Pined Up Energy

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