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Happy New Year/Reflections and Goals for 2020

Wow. It feels like the older I get, the faster the years past. I can’t believe that it’s time to reflect and talk about all of the promises and goals that we have for the new year. I have tons of things that I need to work on like going to the gym and saving money. But since giving your word to represent what 2020 will be for you is popular, I’ll focus on my action word for 2020: consistent.

I sat and reflected on the times over the past year that I accomplished a goal. It undoubtedly was preceded by me being consistent and focused on the outcome that I wanted. So I just imagined, what if for the 365 days of 2020 I consistently :

  1. Meditated and set my intentions every morning.

  2. Spoke my positive affirmations out loud.

  3. Wrote down in my journal what I was grateful for.

  4. Kept to my budget and worked towards my saving goals.

  5. Actively worked on improving my blogging skills.

  6. Spoke love and appreciation over my loved ones.

  7. Practiced a random act of kindness, no matter how small.

  8. Was intentional about increasing my water intake and moving my body for at least 30 minutes.

  9. Read a book, especially self-help for at least 30 minutes every day.

  10. Was absolutely determined to remove all negative talk from myself and my family’s environment.

I’m committed to being consistent this year. What is your action word for 2020? What represents your new year vibe? Tell me below. Happy New Year to you and your family.

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Be Present. Be Well. Live Abundantly