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Hygge: Making Your Cozy Home a Part of Self-Care

It’s International Hygge Day! Hygge (pronounced hoo-gah), is a Danish word that means: to feel warmth, snug and cozy. Creating a hygge atmosphere is about creating a sense of intimacy and togetherness. Your home has a direct impact on your mental well being, and a tranquil space allows you to slow down and enjoy peace You don’t have to spend a lot to do this. It’s about intentionally creating a certain environment and adapting a calmer lifestyle. All of this aligns with pretty much everything that I’ve been blogging on for the last year or so. If you’re curious on how to get started with hygge, here’s ten ways that I try incorporate the concept into my home.

  1. Use Candles
    This is hygge 101. Candlelight is sexy. Flickering candles create a cozy atmosphere. I use them in the bathroom while soaking in the tub, in my bedroom when I’m snuggling in bed, on Sunday mornings in my living room. The list goes on. If safety is an issue, the led ones are great as well.

  2. Mood Lighting
    Placing smaller decorative lamps throughout my apartment allows me to not use bright overhead lights all the time, which are not the best for relaxation.

  3. Layer your bed.
    A fluffy, cozy bed is what I’m always looking forward to after a long day. I use crisp sheets, a quilt, a down comforter, a chunky throw and a mud-cloth blanket. It sounds like a lot, but if it’s freezing, I’m under a few layers, and if my hormones hate me at night, I’m under the quilt only. The key is to sink in and relax. Layer those pillows as well.

  4. Soft Throws and blankets.
    If there aren’t a few velour or knit throws to curl up on my sofa, I’m pissed. It’s mandatory for snuggling and watching TV.

  5. Aromatherapy Oil Diffusers
    I’ve gotten into this so much over the past two years. The essential oils are soothing, and most have a soft glowing light that’s totally a bonus. I’m working on getting one in every room.

  6. Fresh Flowers and Plants
    It’s no secret that I love cut flowers. It’s literal therapy for me. Live plants are awesome too. I don’t always have a green thumb, but I stick to the ones that’s hard to kill. Living things are mood boosters and the element of nature in your home is important to hygge.

  7. Music or Podcasts
    Playing relaxing music or even my favorite podcast helps set a mood.

  8. Stock up on teas, hot chocolate, and coffee
    Warm drinks are soothing. Sitting and enjoying a warm drink while reading or journaling is satisfying.

  9. Comfy slippers and socks
    A no- shoe household is really best. But wearing fluffy slippers or socks inside keep your feet warm, and are soft on your joints.

  10. Invite friends or family over.
    Having people in your home creates a cozy atmosphere. Share a meal or watch a movie together. You’re creating this welcoming environment to share with others.

Hygge is a life-style. These are just a few ways to be intentional about happiness and creating that warm fuzzy feeling. What are your ideas on how to create hygge?

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